Wear Sunscreen!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen of class of…well…2004, I would still advice you to wear sunscreen! One of the most uplifting, yet fun lyrics I have come across! An absolute favourite!
Here are some of my own!

1. Today relationships come with a validity period: some have lifetime validity, some for a few years, and some are strictly on a “pre-paid” basis. A few get terminated when a better service arrives! No matter what, live your relations to the fullest, for you never know when they might just end!

2. Everyone thinks they are cool, and rightly too. Being cool, is but a relative term! So next time you start commenting on someone’s “coolness” or their lack of it, remember they will be sizing you up too!

3. Don’t be shy of being a “drama queen”, just like never be shy being a “bitch”. The right balance between the two is what makes a “good” person! Yeah, it’s not what your mom told you years ago. But then years ago, there weren’t mean bosses, and meaner friends.

4. Follow the above advice, only if you enjoy being a part of the meaningless rat race everyone’s running. For those who don’t, just be “nice” the good ole way!

5. Always remember, heartbreaks, fights, even those seemingly devastating mess-ups that seemed like your worst nightmare at 20, would be a mere memory you would laugh off at 30! For without those goof ups, life certainly looses its charm!

6. “Fat” will never be in, no matter what anyone says. So you have two options: either hit the gym or stop giving a dam. For me it’s the latter, aren’t rules supposed to be broken?

7. Love and hope can never get out dated. Just like ABBA and Michael Jackson! They will always have public support!

Well, I can’t vouch for any of the above. But yes, always trust Baz Luhrmann on the Sunscreen

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